From the initial design concept to high quality PDF export,
Pixelixe Studio helps you to optimize your web to print process.

make social media images

How to customize your PDF document
with our Design Studio before printing ?

Add images and icons

Choose from over thousands of icons and a collection of 2.000.000 free stock photos to enrich your social post. Then, edit the orientation, color, size, opacity and more (No graphic design skills required at all).

Add shapes

Add squares, rectangles, circles, lines, any shapes to prettify your graphic. Of course, resize, rotate, change colors and add rounded corners to get exactly what you envisioned at the beginning.

Add caption (choose fonts)

Choose from a collection of over 900 and more fonts. As people scroll their feeds on their favorite social media platforms, adding caption to images can be one of the best strategy to catch people's attention.

Change background images

Choose from 2.000.000+ of premium stock photos or upload your own images.

Change colors

Create on-brand social media images changes the color of icons, shapes, caption and images either in one click or by entering a hex code.

Web to Print editor

Integration with print shop software

We make the web to print process easier than ever by giving you the possibility to integrate a white-label editor (your colors, your logo) with any web to print software or website through our API.

Discover White Label Features

Print customizer integration

About PIXELIXE Studio

100 % Free

Design Studio

Pixelixe Studio will always let you (for free) create and download graphics and images and use them without any limitation. Our Studio has been designed to be ridiculously easy to use and the perfect utility tool for small businesses, marketers, bloggers with no design background.

No account


No need to register to benefit from Pixelixe Creative Studio, we do not force you to sign in to try and love our amazing Studio app. Just click on this URL to create graphic right away Don't forget to save this URL as a favorite in your browser, you will become addictive to it.

No Data


We do not collect your personal data at all. We developed Pixelixe Studio with the objective to make it as accessible as possible for everyone. We believe in freedom and we have no interest in your email address, we just hope that you will find our work useful and that you will come back.