With PIXELIXE, tell a story in each of your photo.
Add captions to your images photos from your browser in 30 secs.
You do not even need to create an account and it is free. Discover how below..

Add caption to image

Why add caption to your image ?

Captions are often used to give context. They are an integral part of a photo story that should help the viewer understand each image and deliver a clear message.
The caption establishes the photo's relationship to the text, and serves to draw the reader further into the story.
Here are a few tips to write a good caption:

  • Do not restate what is already obvious in the photo
  • Use simple words (and not too many)
  • Intrigue your audience to attract their attention
Add caption to photo

How to add a caption to an image
in 3 steps ?


Upload your image

Or choose among our images

To upload your image or photo, you just have to drag it from your computer and drop it in the box in Pixelixe Studio.


Edit your caption

900 Fonts available

Click on the "Text" menu from the left panel and add a caption. Choose font size, text color, fonts, line height, border, etc thanks to the easy to use interface. No need to be an expert. Check out our tutorial below to discover how.




Download your creation in one click (free and no account required). Choose between PNG or JPEG (Optimized for Retina display). HTML and transparent PNG are also available from paid plans.

Photo caption maker

No account required

Tutorial : How to add a caption to an image

1 Upload your image

Start by opening Pixelixe Studio and simply drop your photo from your computer (or click on the "or click to browse" link located in the center of the "drop" area). Once your photo opens in the editor, you can change it anytime from the left menu of the studio.

To change your background anytime, you will find five menu items (Background, Effects, Shapes, Images and Text). Click on "Background" to open the background panel. There, you will find 3 subtabs ("Images", "Upload Yours" and "Color"). The "Upload yours" subtab will let you drag and drop another image from your computer. So, if you want to change the photo you already uploaded, click on "Upload Yours" and drag and drop your new image from your local computer to the "Drop image here" box.

Once dropped, you will see your new uploaded image appears on your canva as shown on the picture.

Upload your image

Add caption to photo

2 Edit your caption

Once you uploaded your photo from your computer, click on the "Texts" tab (Between the 5 options from the left panel : "Background", "Effects", Shapes", "Graphics" and "Texts"). Then click on the "Add text" button. A caption called "Heading text" will instantly appear on your current document. Double click on it to edit the caption or Click once on it to open the caption setting panel to change the text color, font-size, opacity and other parameters (right side on the screen).

The editor supports thousand of differents fonts. Line height, letter spacing, shadow and more can also be changed.

Rich caption editor online

3 Download

Nothing more simple to download your creation. Click on the "Download" button located to the top right corner of the screen. You will instantly see a popup with the "Download your creation" headline with a few options to let you download your design either in PNG, JPEG or HTML format (HTML restricted to PRO subscriber). Click on the option of your choice and your image will be instantly generated and saved on your computer.

Download image PNG or JPEG

Add caption to image

No account required

How to add caption to photo in bulk ?

Discover our NEW text to image api. Ideal to add automatically quotes and captions to your images.

Text to image API