API Documentation
How to embed your customized studio inside your webapp (IFRAME integration)
For new subscribers joining Pixelixe after March 21th 2021, access the more recent V2 documentation here. For older subscribers, don't worry, this V1 documentation will remain supported and active indefinitely. Get more detail regarding the new V2 release and upgrade prerequisites here.
Introduction :
Pixelixe provides one unique URL based API to let you embed our graphic/image creation tool in your webapp or website within an IFRAME.
WARNING : The minimum iframe width to display the studio is 1000 px (pixels).
The API parameters
GET https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api
Parameter | Type | # | Description |
apiKey | string |
Required |
The API Key is the only way to authenticate your application with Pixelixe. A unique API key is provided after you signup to our API plan. Ex : 6nm3JE0GoVWUai2wNEWiTLF66rk1 |
width | integer |
Optional |
Use the width and height parameters (pixel) to open the Studio with a new blank document sized with those dimensions. Ex : https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=6nm3JE0GoVWUai2wNEWiTLF66rk1&width=1000&height=300 |
height | integer |
Optional |
Use the width and height parameters (pixel) to open the Studio with a new blank document sized with those dimensions. Ex : https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=6nm3JE0GoVWUai2wNEWiTLF66rk1&width=1000&height=300 |
string |
Optional |
Set the optional "pdf" parameter to true pdf=true in order to receive graphics created by your users/visitors as PDF document. As soon as your visitors and users will finish editing from your embedded studio. A PDF will be pushed to your server (HTTP Post to your OUTPUT URL). |
pdfMargin | string |
Optional |
Set the "pdfMargin" parameter to choose the margin of generated PDF (choose a pixel based margin, 0 by default). |
debug | boolean |
Optional |
Set debug=true to be alerted with popups (alert) when API parameter errors occured. Useful to setup Pixelixe's API for the first time. (DO NOT USE THIS PARAMETER IN PRODUCTION). This parameter is set to false by default. |
uid | string |
Optional |
uid is an optional parameter. The "UID" parameter (Unique identifier) is available to retrieve contextual data from the browser(front-end) on your server (back-end) when posting graphics. For example, you can use the "UID" parameter to pass alongside each studio opening request (browser side) your internal "Customer" or "User" identifier data that will allow you to easily match "who created what" once our API will push (POST) output designs to your server endpoint on your OUTPUT URL. You have full control over this UID so you can set whatever fits your need (even more than just your Customer Number if you want). (Configure your "OUTPUT" URL). This way you have an easy way to match connected users on your site with their documents posted on your server. |
imageUrl | string |
Optional |
The imageUrl allow to open any remote image inside the studio with a basic URL. Use encodeURI when passing the imageUrl as an API parameter. Ex : https://yourwebsite/yourimage.png will become https%3A%2F%2Fyourwebsite%2Fyourimage.png |
graphicUrl | string |
Optional |
Use graphicUrl to open the studio with a previously exported HTML Pixelixe document (graphic/image). Previously exported meaning previously pushed to your OUTPUT URL and stored on your site. This parameter is useful if you want to let your users re-edit and update their graphics/images within the studio anytime. It is mandatory to send both "graphicUrl" and "graphicName" parameters to reopen the document properly. The graphicUrl parameter must be an HTTP URL linking directly to a HTML file. WARNING : As a reminder, the Studio can edit HTML templates only if they have been exported/downloaded from the Studio itself. (You cannot import external HTML files.) Find here how to get and store the graphic/image edited by your users. . Two prerequisites: 1°) Use encodeURI when passing the graphicUrl as an API parameter. Ex : https://yourwebsite/2Fyoururl.html will become https%3A%2F%2Fyourwebsite%2Fyoururl.html 2°) WARNING: your HTTP URL must allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). |
graphicName | string |
Optional |
Use graphicName To re-edit and update a graphic/image within the studio. It is required to send both "graphicUrl" and "graphicName" parameters. We strongly recommend to use the "encodeURI" Javascript function to encode the graphicName to make sure to correctly handle special characters within the URI. |
outputURL | string |
Optional |
Use "outputURL" to change the "endpoint" (redirect URL) and overwrite the "OUTPUT" URL set up from the Customization tool. If not set, by default, the studio will use the one you set up in the "Customization tool". Use encodeURI when passing the outputURL as an API parameter. Ex : https://yourwebsite/yourendpoint will become https%3A%2F%2Fyourwebsite%2Fyourendpoint |
lang | string |
Optional |
Translate the editor in the language of your choice() Ex: &lang=fr ). French, Portuguese and English are already available by default. Contact us at inquiries@pixelixe.com if you need another language support and we will help you setup your account. |
templates | boolean |
Optional |
Pass the "templates" parameter set to "true" to display Pixelixe's default premade formats & templates when your embedded Studio will open. (check out Our free studio to discover our templates (See example below). |
Example : API call to create a blank graphic/image
Use the width (pixel) and height (pixel) parameters to choose the dimension of the new blank document.
Same example with IFRAME :
Same example with IFRAME :
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&width=1000&height=300&uid=yourinternalid" >
Example : API call to edit an existing graphic (HTML exported document) stored on your server
Use the graphicUrl and graphicName parameters to open and re-edit an already exported document (graphic/image).
Same example with IFRAME :
Same example with IFRAME :
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&graphicUrl=https://yourwebsite.com/URL_TO_HTML_DOCUMENT.html&graphicName=NAME+OF+YOUR+DOCUMENT&uid=yourinternalid" >
Example : API call to edit any remote image from a URL (Image Editor)
Same example with IFRAME :
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&templates=true" >
Example : API call to display Pixelixe's default templates list
Same example with IFRAME :
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&templates=true" >
Example : API call to use the studio as a PDF editor
Same example with IFRAME :
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&width=1000&height=300&pdf=true&pdfMargin=20" >
Example : API call to programatically change your server endpoint (OUTPUT URL)
Convenient to integrate the editor into your DEV or STAGING environment.
Same example with IFRAME :
Same example with IFRAME :
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&width=1000&height=300&outputURL=https://staging.yourwebsite/yourendpoint" >
Example : API call to translate the editor in the language of your choice
French (fr), Portuguese (po), English (en), Dutch (nl), Turkish (tr) are already available. Contact us to get your language setup for your account.
Same example with IFRAME :
Same example with IFRAME :
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&width=1000&height=300&lang=fr" >
TIPS : Example with FullScreen IFRAME
Fullscreen IFRAME : (Your users won't even notice they are using an external tool)
style="position:fixed; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; width:100%; height:100%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;"
src="https://studio.pixelixe.com/#api?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&width=1000&height=300" >