How digital platforms are transforming the learning process

Online education has quickly changed the world, making learning unprecedentedly accessible and flexible. In today’s digital age, many online platforms enable this form of education, enabling students and teachers to interact with each other regardless of their location.

But where can one find such a platform, or how can one develop one? We asked experts at Euristiq, who help businesses from around the globe with digital platform development, for their insight and recommendations.

How platform solutions change the learning process

Internet education becomes very popular because it has flexible hours, accessibility, and a wide variety of courses such as bachelor’s and ms in data analytics, computer science, AI, Graphic Designing etc for students to take. Students can study whenever and wherever, which is very convenient for those who work or have other responsibilities. The personalized approach allows each student to learn at their pace, while a broad selection of programs will enable them to deepen into the subject, from programming to foreign languages, often through a dedicated language learning platform. Modern educational platforms make it possible to have interactive assignments and access to courses provided by the best professors of leading universities and top-rated specialists in various fields. But how exactly is this done?

Creating interactive and engaging learning materials

One of many advantages of having a platform-based solution is creating interactive learning materials. No more dull lectures and text-based homework—the students will take courses full of video lessons, animations, quizzes, and even gamified tasks. This feature is of most significant value to schools and universities that wish to make the learning process more interactive and online schools and courses that aim to keep audiences interested.

Virtual classrooms and seminars

Platform solutions enable the hosting of virtual classrooms and seminars in which students and teachers can communicate in real time. This not only virtualizes the traditional classroom teaching but also innovates the process, such as allowing the students to record the lesson to go through it again at their convenience and work more effectively in groups using digital technology. Virtual classrooms are very efficient and used by individuals who use distance learning as well as companies who organize corporate training and seminar processes for their employees.

Automated knowledge assessment and feedback

Knowledge assessment processes and feedback can be automated using a digital platform. The system can grade the tests and assignments. There will be an instant result and recommendations on how to increase learning. In this way, teachers save time, while students get the necessary information to correct their knowledge in no time.

Examples of implementation

Let us look at two specific examples of implementation of educational platforms: one at the university and one in a corporate company.

Example #1: university platform

A university platform contains all features required in an educational setting, such as registering on courses, managing schedules, accessing libraries and study materials, and creating virtual classrooms where teachers can give lectures and seminars online. These utilities, without a doubt, provide solid benefits for both students and teachers. To students, this is a very easy way to access course materials and study from wherever in the world. For teachers, it provides the automation of administrative work and the capability to conduct online classes with more students.

Example #2: corporate training

Educational platforms are also very useful for big international companies aiming to establish a sound basis for the training of their corporate employees. The platform that would allow them to set up and manage training, track the progress of employees, and integrate with the HR document management system. In this case, employers can design training programs according to the company’s needs, track the progress of their employees, and get reports on the effectiveness of the courses. This benefits both employees and employers. For the employee, the benefit is in being able to access quality training materials and the flexibility to learn at their own pace. For the employer, the platform enhances skills and qualifications in employees and, by extension, productivity at the workplace.

Why do platform development with Euristiq?

Selecting the right experienced and responsible partner in education platform development is definitely a must. Here are a few reasons to choose Euristiq for your project:

Experience and professionalism: the Euristiq team consists of highly skilled specialists with a lot of competence and extensive experience who know how to create products that meet all modern requirements. They work across all stages — from idea to implementation — and various customers praise this company for competence and reliability. The specialists from Euristiq take into account the uniqueness of every implemented project. They get to know the details of the needs of a particular customer with care, and their platform is created in such a way that it fully satisfies the needs. For example, if an educational center needs an online course platform with a system of integration into an existing one, then Euristiq will think through this task effectively for you.

Reliability and security: Euristiq pays a lot of attention to the privacy of information. Advanced encryption technologies protect the information. You can be sure that all data about your students and employees will be kept safe, because of continuous support and maintenance of the platform. Platform development is not the last step. The system has to work right and get the current updates. Euristiq ensures that the product is updated through support and maintenance, thereby smoothing any issue that may arise to provide the effective operation of a system.

Online education opens up huge horizons, making educational opportunities accessible, flexible, and relevant. Modern educational platforms enable effortless communication with tutors and lecturers from different parts of the world while simultaneously making the learning process very adaptive, with numerous courses and programs to choose from. The future of education rests on technology that makes knowledge accessible to every human being, anywhere in the world, at any time, regardless of social and financial standing. With these innovations, partnered with the holistic support of IT companies like Euristiq, adaptation to the changing realities is significantly speeding up. Getting smarter has never been easier!

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