Writing for Business Audiences - Tailoring Your Message

Whether you are preparing a business document, email, or academic paper, it is essential to think about your potential audience. What does it mean? In fact, you need to consider a specific group of people’s views, feelings, needs, and attitudes to craft an appealing message. If you wish to glimpse the – the following recommendations are for you.

Why crafting a compelling message matters

The world is completely overloaded with online news, ads, and information in general. People receive dozens of notifications and messages every single day, and as a result, their cognition becomes blurred and unfocused. And the main aim of your message is to overcome those noises and reach your audience.

Learn by examples

Speaking about academic writing, students haven’t got enough information and practice to know how to write appealing business messages; that’s why many students use https://payforwriting.com/ to solve the “write my essay” case and get original samples from professional business writers.

Those who don’t want ready solutions or have already graduated can gather the best business communication practices from your partners, competitors, and other businesses. Create a note on your computer and store ideas in a separate file. Acquire the most appealing ideas and those phrases that correspond to your needs to reach your writing goals. Highlight those words that disappoint or make you uncomfortable; gather them into a stop list.

Define the purpose of the message

Effective messages don’t come by accident; it’s a planned action. You need a blueprint to meet the content of your message with something meaningful to your audience. In fact, you need to define the best channel (or tactics) for writing your message, the core audience, and the best time to reach them all.

First, you need to decide your message’s primary purpose. Most business messages aim to build support, raise awareness, influence behavior, impact opinions, strengthen relationships, etc. Then, to sound confident and persuasive in your messages, you need to understand how your message can help and what audience can relate to it.

Who is your audience?

Business audiences typically consist of potential funding bodies, employees, clients, investors, teams, government officials, business representatives, influential people in the business community, etc. Writing to your employees will be different from writing to prospective investors in your business sector.

Consider that your audience can be divided not only by gender and occupation. It is also recommended to define your target audience geographically, demographically, and culturally. They may be skeptics or constantly in a hurry. The more defined your business audience, the better you can craft a message that will resonate with their values and interests.

What does your audience want?

Every reader of a business message, whether a marketing email or a business proposal, wants to know why they need to read it. That’s why straightforward messages that push the reader to easily understand the content and proceed with reading are necessary for business correspondence. Also, considering their possible conditions when reading your message also influences the content. Use only correct and unbiased facts to sound authoritative and logical. To be able to provide arguments that will reinforce your message, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the main aim of your message?

  • What essential information does your audience need to know?

  • What are the values of your audience? What moves them?

  • What barriers prevent the audience from taking action?

  • What are the key moments, and how should you define them?

  • What makes my initial message idea unique?

  • Have you already seen similar offers? What makes them sound appealing?

  • What strategies do your competitors have?

  • How do you want the reader to use the information you deliver?

  • What is the best method to guide them? (e.g., guidelines, sales website, contact center, etc.)

Conduct the research

Business messages may take the form of emails, job offers, memos, press releases, product copy, and much more. Every document should follow the standards of your company and the idea you need to describe the reader. Some sort of business messages will require additional work and research to make them effective. If you have several audiences to address, change your strategies to tailor your message to each audience.

Many points may influence the way you present your message. Sometimes you may need to adjust the content of one message to several audiences and, therefore, adapt it for specific needs. To make the process transparent, you need to define:

  • Channel (meeting, phone call, social media post, email, article, etc.). The shorter the interaction, the more precise your message must be. If talking about long-form messages, you can provide more background information and arguments.

  • Relationship. The writing style and tone will depend on the formal or informal relationships with your audience, whether you have a business relationship or don’t see your audience.

  • Audience’s needs. Depending on the situation, your audience may need information, reassurance, actions to do, solution to specific problems, etc.

  • Possible reaction. While you cannot prognosis a reader’s emotions, but you know that your message contains some negative information, you need to construct your message to avoid additional stress.

Write down these points for each message you need to write, and it will help you decide on scope, tone, and writing style.

How to improve your message

You may need to experiment to improve your message’s chances to make the audience take action. A good statement should appeal to people’s emotions and shared values. What can you do?

Personalize. Build a personal connection between people and the idea from your message. Make it locally relevant or correspond to current public attitudes.

Publicize. Showcase your ideas and how they make a difference to people.

Make a call to action. Clearly define what you want the audience to do after they hear or read the message.

Tell a story. If applicable, write a story for your reader. Storytelling may motivate people to take action.

Explain the audience’s role. Why should they care? Explain how they can play a role in the solution and how their values intersect with your message.

Tip. Try to avoid conflicting and negative messages. Use active speech and plain English, and avoid jargon and acronyms that the audience can misinterpret.

Schedule the time

Make a plan when you will disclose your message to the intended audience. Think how frequently you will post on Facebook or send newsletters. Some messages may need a break between publications, or you may need to hit different time zones at a time. Consider whether you can stick to key dates or events that may reinforce your message ideas. Or are there other issues that you can take to your advantage?

If you are going to use social media for your business messages, create a schedule with the best time your audience can be reached online for the best effectiveness.


  • Be direct and open. Whether you wish to impress or convince your reader in specific ways, you must stay persuasive and concise in every sentence from the beginning. Choose how to build your message to open the reader to your business proposals.

  • Add background info. Always ask yourself whether the reader may need additional information or if they are already aware of what you are talking about.

  • Write a short summary at the end of your message. If your writing is more than several sentences long, managers and other busy readers may be interested in the outline of the written text.

  • Ensure the beginning matches the reader’s expectations and communication culture. Various regions have their specifics, and you need to research to write an appealing opening sentence.

  • Always check grammar and spelling errors of your messages, as well-polished texts look professional and confident.

  • Make templates for various types of business writing you regularly complete.

Wrapping Up

Professionally written business messages will fit the initial aims of your business if done correctly. Fit your style according to the audience and situation, and keep your ideas concise and logically right. Improve your values as a professional with our tips and improve your business writing with constant practice.

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