
Welcome to the Pixelixe API! Pixelixe APIs enables you to enhance your webapp with automated image generation and customizable graphic editing tool.

Pixelixe offers end to end solutions for manual or automated image generation.

  1. Our white-label editor and APIs can easily be integrated into any webapp to let your visitors and users create, search, update, delete their own documents (designs) and push them wherever you need them in real time.

  2. Additionally, any document generated from the editor can become an API. Thanks to our powerful "Image Automation API", your app can generate unlimited variation of graphics on the fly (social media content, banners, etc..).


To test your API key:

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer api_key"

The above endpoint returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Authenticated successfully"

Make sure to replace api_key with your API key.

Pixelixe uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can get an API key by creating an account in Pixelixe.

Pixelixe expects the API key to be included in all API requests to the server.

  1. For the front-end API such as the insertion of the editor into your webapp, using the public API Key is strongly recommended. This public API key is accessible from your Pixelixe back-office.

  2. For back-end APIs (every other API), the API key can be set up in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer api_key

Editor API

Documents are the reusable designs that are created and saved from the Pixelixe editor. Documents can be anything you need them to be: banners, social media graphics, email images, custom sized content, etc. Documents can be exported in either PNG, JPEG, HTML or PDF.

You or your users can design a Document using the Pixelixe editor, of course, but you can also use Documents as reusable templates. For example to offer and list custom clickable preset templates on your website for your customers or even more if you want to automatically generate variations of your graphics and images with our API.

Basically, every Document can become an API. Every text, color and image in a Document (aka template) can be modified via our API on the fly!.

Customize your white-label editor

The Pixelixe platform provides an easy to use Customization tool (no code required). To get started, log in to access your Pixelixe dashboard. From the Dashboard, select the "White label Editor API" section from the left or central panel. Then, you will be asked to "Customize your editor".

Search Documents

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer api_key"

The above endpoint returns JSON structured like this:

   "api_key": "3r3C7FAmlofEdsVLlp8EsGM6MdD3",
   "documents": [
         "name": "Demo-template-1",
         "width": 600,
         "height": 600,
         "document_uid": "32f59312815640e186cf17fe3fd5c1d9",
         "last_modification_date": "03-08-2021_20:38:21:579",
         "public_png_url": "",
         "public_html_url": "",
         "available_modifications": {
            "modifications": [
                  "name": "background-image",
                  "image_url": "Change the background image using any URL here",
                  "width": "916.328px",
                  "height": "600px",
                  "visible": "true"
                  "name": "text-1",
                  "type": "text",
                  "text": "Some text example that can be modified",
                  "color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
                  "font-size": "108px",
                  "visible": "true"
                  "name": "icon-3",
                  "type": "icon",
                  "color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
                  "visible": "true"

This endpoint either retrieves all Documents attached to your Pixelixe account (with no parameter) or can be used with an optional parameter as described below.

HTTP Request


Optional Query Parameters

Parameter Description Use Case
user_uid Unique User identifier Get all Documents created by this specific user.
document_uid Unique Document identifier Get a specific Document.
created_by 2 options owner or api-editor Get all Documents created either by you (as the owner of the Pixelixe account), either by all your white-label editor users api-editor.
width Get a list of documents with the same width For example to display on your site all 400x400 banners.
height Get a list of documents with the same height For example to display on your site all images with the same height.
folder_path Folder path List document stored in a specific folder.

Create or Update a Document

- Example 1: Open with the image editor mode

    src="" >

The above HTML code will ask users to start uploading their own image.

- Example 2: Open an image from a URL

    src="" >

The above HTML code will embed your customized (white-label) editor into your website and open the following image

- Example 3: Create a blank Document (with custom size)

    src="" >

The above HTML code will embed your customized (white-label) editor into your website and open blank canva with the following size: width: 1000px & height: 300px.

- Example 4: Offer your own templates (saved graphic) to your users

    src="" >

The above HTML code will automatically displayed your saved documents (as templates).

- Example 5: Open and update an existing Document

    src="" >

The above HTML code will embed your customized (white-label) editor into your website and open an existing Document with the following uid: 32f59312815640e186cf17fe3fd5c1d9.

- Example 6: Open with the PDF editor mode

    src="" >

The above HTML code will embed your customized (white-label) editor into your website and open a blank canva with the following size: width: 1000px & height: 300px ready to be exported as PDF with a margin of 20 px.

- Example 7: Open the editor translated in Portuguese

    src="" >

The above HTML code will embed your customized (white-label) editor into your website and open the editor translated in Portuguese.

- Example 8: Overwrite your server endpoint (webhook_url) - Convenient for integrating in your Dev or staging envs

    src="" >

This will overwrite your configured and saved webhook_url (Recommended only to run tests & QA).

Editing a Document can be done using the Pixelixe graphic and image editor. Pixelixe offers a free online editor available to anyone at

This editor can be configured and customized by subscribers from their account (no-code required), and then be integrated into any website using an IFRAME. (iframes are HTML elements that can be inserted anywhere within a webpage layout or fullscreen)

Opening the editor: Integrate the editor into your website with an IFRAME

WARNING : The minimum iframe width to display the editor is 1000 px (pixels).

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description Use Case
width Width of a new blank document (integer) Use the width and height parameters (pixel) to open the editor with a new blank document sized with those dimensions.
height Height of a new blank document (integer) Use the width and height parameters (pixel) to open the editor with a new blank document sized with those dimensions.
document_uid Unique Document identifier Open and update a saved Document.
graphicUrl Direct URl to HTML exported graphic Open and update a remotely stored Document (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) must be enable: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: set up in your HTTP Headers). Use encodeURI when passing the graphicUrl as an API parameter. Ex : https://yourwebsite/2Fyoururl.html will become https%3A%2F%2Fyourwebsite%2Fyoururl.html.
user_uid Unique User identifier Match connected users on your site with their documents. you can use the user_uid parameter to pass alongside each editor opening request (browser side) your internal "Customer" or "User" identifier data that will allow you to easily match "who created what" once our API will push (POST) designs created by your users to your server endpoint (webhook URL). You have full control over this user_uid so you can set whatever fits your need.
imageUrl Any image URL The imageUrl allow to open any remote image inside the studio with a basic URL &imageUrl= Use encodeURI() when passing the imageUrl as an API parameter. Ex : https://yourwebsite/yourimage.png will become https%3A%2F%2Fyourwebsite%2Fyourimage.png.
pdf Enable PDF export Set the optional pdf parameter to true &pdf=true in order to receive graphics created by your users in PDF format.
graphicName Set the name of the graphic Set the name of the graphic during the editor opening. We strongly recommend to use the encodeURI() method function to encode the graphicName to make sure to correctly handle special characters within the URI.
lang Enable PDF export Translate the editor in the language of your choice() Ex: &lang=fr. French (fr), Dutch (nl), Turkish (tr), Portuguese (po) and English (en) are already available. Contact us at if you need another language support and we will help you setup your account with your translation.
templates Display Pixelixe's default templates Pass the templates parameter set to "true" &templates=true to display Pixelixe's default premade formats & templates when your embedded editor will open in your user's browser. (check out our free studio to discover our templates (See example below). Combine this parameter with the allowCustomFormat to disable custom format option.
customTemplates Display your own templates Pass the customTemplates parameter set to "true" &customTemplates=true to automatically display all graphics created from your Pixelixe account. This is the easiest way (no code required) to offer custom templates to your customers with the White Label editor. Combine this parameter with the allowCustomFormat to disable custom format option.
customTemplateFolderPath Templates folder path Optional, if you pass the customTemplates parameter set to "true", you might also want to display only templates located in a specific folder. (&customTemplates=true&customTemplateFolderPath=YOUR_FOLDER_NAME)
allowCustomFormat Enable/Disable custom format Pass the allowCustomFormat parameter set to "false" &allowCustomFormat=false if you don't want your users to choose a custom size (width & height) when entering into the editor. This is useful if you want to restrict their use of the studio only to your templates and presets.
allowUploadOnly Image Upload only Pass the allowUploadOnly parameter set to "true" &allowUploadOnly=true if you want your users to upload their own image when entering the editor. This is useful if you want to offer an image editor to your users.
custom_field_1 Add a custom parameter Pass along each editor opening (from the browser) additional data. This custom_field data will be pushed back to your server endpoint (webhook URL) once your user will have finished editing.
custom_field_2 Add a custom parameter Pass along each editor opening (from the browser) additional data. This custom_field data will be pushed back to your server endpoint (webhook URL) once your user will have finished editing.
custom_field_3 Add a custom parameter Pass along each editor opening (from the browser) additional data. This custom_field data will be pushed back to your server endpoint (webhook URL) once your user will have finished editing.
custom_field_4 Add a custom parameter Pass along each editor opening (from the browser) additional data. This custom_field data will be pushed back to your server endpoint (webhook URL) once your user will have finished editing.
custom_field_5 Add a custom parameter Pass along each editor opening (from the browser) additional data. This custom_field data will be pushed back to your server endpoint (webhook URL) once your user will have finished editing.
webhook_url Overwrite saved webhook_url Pass a URL to overwrite your configured and saved webhook_url. This is convenient for testing or integrating your Developement or Staging environments (QA). Use encodeURI() when passing the webhook_url as an API parameter. Ex : https://yourwebsite/yourwebhook_url will become https%3A%2F%2Fyourwebsite%2Fyourwebhook_url.
redirect_url Overwrite saved redirect_url Pass a URL to overwrite your configured and saved redirect_url. This is convenient for testing or integrating your Developement or Staging environments (QA). Use encodeURI() when passing the redirect_url as an API parameter. Ex : https://yourwebsite/yourredirect_url will become https%3A%2F%2Fyourwebsite%2Fyourredirect_url.
overwrite Overwrite loaded document Set the optional overwrite parameter to true to ask the white label editor to replace (overwrite) the loaded document (loaded from document_uid for example). Set to false to automatically create a copy of the document. Setting to false is convenient for templating purpose, if you want your users to benefit from your own custom templates without editing the original version of your template. Once they created their copy, open the copy with &overwrite=true to let them edit their copy indefinitely.
forceRemoteGeneration Image Automation API Set the optional forceRemoteGeneration parameter to true to generate graphics using our Image Automation API instead of our embedded "in-browser" generator. This is a good solution if you are experiencing issues with non Latin1 characters (such as Arabic, Greek, Chinese, Telugu, etc). The download time might be longer than the usual default engine, use it only if required.

Get edited Document on your server using WebHook

As soon as your user will have finish editing their document clicking on the "call-to-action" button the following JSON payload will be pushed to your server endpoint (webhook_url):

   "status": "success",
   "created_at": "03-13-2021_20-1-23-812",
   "user_uid": "7r3C7FAjaofE4sVLyp5EsGM6MdD3",
   "width": 200,
   "height": 200,
   "public_png_url": "",
   "public_html_url": "",
   "document_name": "Untitled",
   "document_uid": "fa2d67146931484f09be18995b731501"

Within the editor, your users will be invited to click on a call-to-action button (top right corner of the editor) as soon as they will have finished editing their Document. Keep in mind you can rename this "call-to-action" button yourself from the "Customization tool" accessible from your Pixelixe account.

From your Pixelixe account, you can configure your white-label editor to decide whether you prefer to get created and edited Document pushed to your server endpoint (WebHook URL) or sent to your email INBOX.

If you define your WebHook URL (your server endpoint), each time a user click on the "call-to-action" button you will receive in real time an HTTP POST request contaning direct URLs of the edited graphic (PNG and HTML) within a JSON payload. Discover below an example of the static JSON payload that will be pushed on your server endpoint.

   "status": "success",
   "created_at": "03-13-2021_20-1-23-812",
   "user_uid": "7r3C7FAjaofE4sVLyp5EsGM6MdD3",
   "width": 200,
   "height": 200,
   "public_png_url": "",
   "public_html_url": "",
   "document_name": "Untitled",
   "document_uid": "fa2d67146931484f09be18995b731501"

Delete a Specific Document

curl ""
  -H "Authorization: Bearer api_key"

The above endpoint returns JSON structured like this:

   "status": "success",
   "message": "Document deleted."

This endpoint deletes a specific Document.

HTTP Request

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
document_uid Unique Document identifier

Image Automation API

curl ""
  -d json
  • Example of a JSON Payload to POST to the above endpoint
  "document_uid": "32f59312815640e186cf17fe3fd5c1d9",
  "api_key": "afvkwxFgNSReMbYoCvFi0UkMFPP1z", 
  "format": "json",
  "custom_field": "WHATEVER_YOU_WANT",
  "modifications": [
      "element_name": "background-image",
      "image_url": "",
      "width": "cover",
      "height": "cover",
      "visible": "true"
      "element_name": "text-0",
      "text": "Enter custom text here",
      "color": "red",
      "font-size": "12px",
      "visible": "true"
      "element_name": "icon-0",
      "color": "#e2e2e2",
      "visible": "false"
      "element_name": "shape-0",
      "background-color": "red",
      "border-color": "red",
      "border-size": "12px",
      "visible": "true"

The above endpoint returns JSON structured like this:

   "status": "success",
   "created_at": "03-13-2021_20-1-23-812",
   "image_url": "",
   "uid": "32f59312815640e186cf17fe3fd5c1d9"

Pixelixe Image Automation API enables you to auto-generate images such as social media visuals, ecommerce banners and more based on your saved Document (See section above). For this section, think of Documents as reusable templates and discover how to create unlimited variations of your Documents with a simple JSON-based API.

Every text and image in a Documents becomes an object you can modify via API. Simply hit the Image Automation API endpoint with your modification requests and in a few seconds an image will be generated and sent to your endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST Parameters

Send as a JSON object

Property Type Description
document_uid string The uid of the Document you want to change. An alternative can be to use the template_name parameter to tell the API which Document to change.
template_name string The saved name of the Document you want to change. An alternative can be to use the document_uid parameter to tell the API which Document to change.
api_key string Your API key
modifications array A list of modifications you want to make.
image_type string Choose either "jpeg" or "png". jpeg is recommended (smaller size).
format string See below for details.
custom_field string Optional, send additional alphanumeric data to the API request (input) and retrieve it the API response (output). Ideal, if you want to send an internal ID or any information you want. This will work only if "format" = "json".

Format options

Define the expected output format. The format property can be either image (by default), json, base64, pdf

Format Option Description
image return a stream of the generated RAW PNG image (blob)
json Stores the generated image on Pixelixe server and return a JSON document containing the direct URL (See example on the right side)
base64 return a stream of the generated PNG image encoded in base64
pdf return a stream of the generated RAW PDF file (blob)
html Stores the generated HTML document on Pixelixe server and return a JSON document containing the direct URL (key : "html_url"). Convenient to re-open your variant into the white label editor (graphicUrl parameter in the IFRAME URL).

Modifications Array

Your Image Automation payload should contain a parameter named modifications which is an array of modifications you would like to apply to a template.

All properties are optional, for example if you do not specify a color, the object's default color will be used. If your element_name is not found in the Document, expected modifications for this element will be ignored.

Property Type Description
element_name string The name of the item you want to change. The element_name can also be background-image to replace or update attributes of the background-image (Ex: { "element_name": "background-image", "image_url": "" }) or can be background-color to change the background-color (Ex: transparent - { "element_name": "background-color", "background-color": "transparent" }).
image_url string Replacement image url you want to use (must be publicly viewable)
type string The type of the element you want to change. Either text shape icon or image. (Types match the editor menu titles)
color string Change the color of your element. Color hex of object e.g. "#0a00ff" or rgb color (or other CSS compliant property)
text-align string The text-align property sets the horizontal alignment of the inline-level content inside a text element. (value can be right, left, center or other CSS compliant property)
font-size string (auto by default) Set to auto to automatically adjust the font size to fit the original text area (placed from the editor). Set to original to keep the original font-size from the source document. You can also choose any font size in pixel (px) Ex: 14px.
text string Replacement text you want to use
background-color string Change the background of your Document. Color hex of object e.g. "#0a00ff" or rgb color (CSS property). Use transparent to get a transparent PNG image.
border-color string For shapes, Color hex of object e.g. "#0a00ff" or rgb color (or other CSS compliant property)
border-size string For shapes, the size of the border in px Ex: 14px
font-family string Change the font if needed (Check if font is supported natively)
width string (auto by default for image items, cover by default for background images) Set to auto to automatically resize the new image keeping the new image ratio and dimension and center it into the original image item area (no stretching, no cropping). Set to cover to entirely cover the original image area with a cropped and centered version of the new image (stretching and cropping will be automatic). Set to original to keep the original width and height of the original image item (from the source document) and apply it to the new image. Finally, you can also input a new width for your element in pixel (Ex: set width:140px).
height string (auto by default for image items, cover by default for background images) Set to auto to automatically resize the new image keeping the new image ratio and dimension and center it into the original image item area (no stretching, no cropping). Set to cover to entirely cover the original image area with a cropped and centered version of the new image (stretching and cropping will be automatic). Set to original to keep the original width and height of the original image item (from the source document) and apply it to the new image. Finally, you can also input a new height for your element in pixel (Ex: set width:140px).
visible string Set to false to hide your item (element)
shape string Set to rounded to get a rounded image as an output (convenient for profile pictures).

Code Snippets

Javascript Code Snippets:

fetch('', {
    method : "POST",
    body: '{ "document_uid": "32f59312815640e186cf17fe3fd5c1d9", "format": "image", "api_key": "6nm3JE0GoVWUai2wNEWiTLF66rk1", "modifications": [ { "element_name": "text-0", "type": "text", "text": "THIS IS" }, { "element_name": "text-1", "type": "text", "text": "A reusable Template" } ] }'
}).then(response => response.blob())
  .then(myBlob => {
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onloadend = function() {
            var base64Image = reader.result;       
            document.querySelector("#generated-image").src = base64Image; 
  }).catch((error) => {
  console.error('Error:', error);

Python Code Snippets:

import requests

def main():
    r ="", data={ "json": '{ "document_uid": "32f59312815640e186cf17fe3fd5c1d9", "format": "image", "api_key": "6nm3JE0GoVWUai2wNEWiTLF66rk1", "modifications": [ { "element_name": "text-0", "type": "text", "text": "THIS IS" }, { "element_name": "text-1", "type": "text", "text": "A reusable Template" } ] }'})

    print(r.status_code, r.reason)
    file = open("automated_image.png", "wb")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Curl Code Snippets:

curl -d 'json={ "document_uid": "32f59312815640e186cf17fe3fd5c1d9", "format": "image", "api_key": "6nm3JE0GoVWUai2wNEWiTLF66rk1", "base64": "true", "modifications": [ { "element_name": "text-0", "type": "text", "text": "THIS IS" }, { "element_name": "text-1", "type": "text", "text": "A reusable Template" } ] }'

Discover on the right panel some code snippets written in Javascript, Python and Curl to get started with the Image Automation API.

Test Image Automation API (2 clicks)

The Pixelixe platform includes an Image Automation API tester and will auto-generates the JSON payload with its default modifications array.

Click on the "Your Saved documents" menu from the dropdown menu to access the list of your saved graphics & templates. As mentioned before, every document can be automated.

Move your mouse over a graphic and click on the button corresponding to the following tooltip "Automate image generation based on this model".

A pop up will open and display the JSON document required to send modifications demand to the API. You can tune the modifications section of the JSON directly into the popup to generate variations of your image.

Once you are happy with your template, you are free to duplicate this JSON document to ease your API integration process.

Error handling

If no errors occurs, the API will return a (200, 'OK') HTTP status code. If an error occurs, the HTTP response status code will be 400 and the response will be a JSON document with the following structure.

   "status": "error",
   "message": "Bad or missing JSON (unexpected structure)"
Error message Status code type
Bad or missing JSON (unexpected structure) 400 JSON
Missing JSON document 400 JSON
Bad JSON format (unexpected structure) 400 JSON
No template to generate image (template_name or template_url parameters missing) 400 JSON
Please provide your API key 400 JSON
No "ELEMENT_NAME" parameter found in the template 400 JSON
Template not found 400 JSON
Not enough Credits to perform this request : "YOUR_CREDITS". Please, upgrade your account 400 JSON
Wrong API Key : API_KEY 400 JSON
An unexpected error occured. We will investigate this issue. Please, contact to get more detail. 400 JSON

Image Filter API

Follow this link to access the Image Filter API documentation

Apply photo effects and filters to your image with our ready to use API and presets.

Supported image type :

Filter list :

Follow this link to access the Image Filter API documentation

Image Processing API

Follow this link to access the Image Processing API documentation

Manipulate and transform images and photos, from your webapp in real time with our easy to use APIs.

Supported image type :

Processing API list :

Follow this link to access the Image Processing API documentation

Deprecated API V1

For users who subscribed before April 2021, the previous documentation V1 is available here Pixelixe docs V1